"Sun of the City" is a project to make a sundial drawn on a wall to make use of existing constructions in urban spaces.
This is my fourth project taken place in Tartu, Estonia.
The sundial was painted on the wall of the apartment on Kivi street in Tartu, located about 10 minutes by walk from the central of the city. There are 11 families living there and a small shop on the ground floor.
The streetlight in front of the apartment was regarded as hands of a sundial. The shadow of the tip of the streetlight on the drawn sundial can show the time.
I measured all lengths, angles and distances of the wall and the streetlight, and made a dial face with these data in relation to its longitude and latitude.
It was allowed to make this project only when it was agreed to re-paint the wall of the apartment due to the fact that it was almost 80 years old. Remaining three walls of the apartment will be re-painted as soon as it is budgeted.
Many residents of the apartment and neighbors participated in the production and opening ceremony.
Dimention (of the wall) : about 1000 x 1500 cm
Coordinator:The Estonian Print and Paper Museum
Support:The city of Tartu, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Tartu Cultural Endowment, Ramirent, Aparaaditehas and the residents of Kivi 40a